Thursday, July 1, 2010

Summer Book Challenge

I started really late on the Spring Book Challenge and barely got anything completed at all.  So, the Summer Book Challenge starts today and I hope to knock at least 5 books out before it's over.

5 Point Tasks
Book set in a place that you never want to visit.
Book about girlfriends.
Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood by Rebecca Wells

Book with a one word title.
Schooled by Anisha Lakhani

Book set in a major city.
The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella

Mystery or thriller.

Book set at the ocean.

Romance novel.


Book with a picnic word in the title.

Book you haven't read yet by a favorite author.
Certain Girls by Jennifer Weiner

10 Point Tasks
Book with a black cover.

Historical non-fiction.

Book where the main characters do an outside activity.

Book where the title or author's name starts with "J", "A", or "S"
Something Blue by Emily Giffin (didn't get a chance to read it last challenge)
Book with a Native American character or written by a Native American.
Memoir, Biography, or Autobiography
Cruise Confidential by Brian David Bruns (finally got it at my library and can't wait to read it)

Book for adults that also writes for children.

Book written in diary form.

Book about flying or traveling

Book about an execution or about someone who is being executed.

15 Point Tasks
Book with a ghost or a character who has psychic powers.
Read a book and watch the movie/TV show.
He's Just Not That Into You by Greg Behrendt

Book by an author who's name you can't pronounce.

Book about finances or a main character who has your dream career.

Book about the paranormal.

Book with a cover that makes you laugh or a humor book.

Book recommended by a book blogger during the challenge and post a link to the blogger's review.

Book from an author who has only released one book at the time of the challenge.

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